Simpler Portable Loom



Hello dear friends. We are getting very busy at our house this Spring and Summer. We therefore wanted to get the basic pictures and instructions posted now while time permitted. Changes and improvements in the text will be coming later; suggestions welcome. Please enjoy.

I've mixed in some suppliers, teachers, and travel sites along with the instructonal pictures. These will, likely, be rearranged over time. Once again the goal was to be able to share this information while this time slot was available.






Note: In the photographs I've used strong and some bright colors so that you could see what was happening. For some people, particularly, those with Autism, such colors could be over stimulating.

COPYRIGHTS: These instructions are available free for home or non-commercial uses such as schools and volunteer groups working with people with disabilities etc.. Please make copies and enjoy. Any such distribution of information from for any commercial uses including articles on mentions in books etc. you must contact us first for permission. Please respect the copyrights of other sites as well.


Click on Thumbnail Pictures to Get Additional Instructional Pictures and Text with Links

Page 1

Overview of what can be done with this loom

You'll see sample projects, my sister Pat weaving, the frame used as a book prop, lunch plate or lap top holder, a clip board writing and craft surface, and the frame tied to a folded over pillow. You could also tie the frame to a flat pillow and use cushions to create your most useful angle. Also are links to and discriptions of some wonderful weaving, craft, and healing resources.


Page 2

Getting Started - putting on the WARP

Includes lists of items needed, why some procedures and materials are used, how to get started, and explanation of common terms WARP and WEFT.


Page 3

Twisted Hem

Explains the advantages of using hems and how to make them.

Page 4

Starting to Weave

Explanation of the basics of weaving and links to some web sites with additional instructional pictures as well as a Video on You Tube which is great for illustrating some concepts.


Page 5

More Beginning Weaving

This page shows more of the openings/sheds between the WARP/ up and down yarns, methods of beating in your WEFT/cross wise yarns, and some links to suppliers.


Page 6

Shows how to use two SHED sticks to make opening the spaces between your WARPS easier. The second stick which jumps in and out I've nicknamed the FROG stick.

Page 7

Changing Colors

How to add a new color of yarn.


Page 8

Fluffy Weaving

How to add fleece or other material in with your yarn WEFT weaving. Also, a link again to a fluffy weaving site.

Page 9

Tying off

Pictures and text on bringing down the top hem and tieing off your fringe to complete your piece.


Page 10

Possible Projects

The detail pictures will give you instructions on how to pull and tie the fringe strands etc. to make bags or dolls without needing to sew!